Utility Assistance
Energy Assistance
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is a federally-funded program that assists low income households with their heating and cooling needs, while helping protect the health and safety of the household.
*Due to an influx of applications, BEGINNING MARCH 1ST, THROUGH MARCH 31ST 2025. We will be POSTPONING accepting new applications and generating a waiting list. Based on the availability of funds, we will contact those on the waiting list on a first- come, first-served basis.
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause and ask for your patience as we work as quickly as possible to assist as many people as funds allow. *
Who is Eligible?
Priority for services are given to those households with the highest energy burden, while taking into consideration vulnerable populations such as elderly, disabled, and families with young children. Applicants must meet income guidelines.
Types of Assistance Available?
Bill Payment Assistance: Assistance is available based on household income and size, energy cost.
Energy Crisis Assistance: Assistance is available to households that are in a crisis situation; such as receiving a 48-hour disconnect notice, or service termination by a utility company. The amount of assistance is based on the applicant’s energy bill, but cannot exceed more than $1,500.​
Weatherization Assistance: The weatherization program provides services designed to reduce heating and cooling costs and improve the energy efficiency of a home, while safeguarding the health and safety of the household. The program is available regardless of whether applicants own or rent, live in a house, apartment, or a mobile home.
How do I Apply?
To start the application process or be referred to Weatherization Program, please click Apply for Services.